How to sell products on Amazon: beginners online course

How to start selling products on Amazon online course for beginners

Would you like to get started with selling products on Amazon and become a successful online seller? In today’s blog post, as well as in the YouTube video down below, we will give you a series of tips on which skills you should master before launching your Amazon store. If you would like to delve deeeper into it and turn into a true expert, we encourage you to enroll in this Fiverr Learn’s online course to get a thorough guide of the steps you must take in order to make sales globally with FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). This training workshop spans over 7,1 hours containing 102 videos, and prepares you to find the most profitable products to import, set up everything and sell globally outsourcing to Amazon whether you are an individual or a small business.

Skills to become a succesful Amazon seller

Understanding the Product System

To start with, familiarize yourself with the Product System, that is, the collection of individual processes connected by intermediate products that lead to the end product as a whole.

Getting familiar with the FBA platform and how it works

The Fulfillment by Amazon service allows you to outsource your orders to the platform so that they collect, pack and ship them on your behalf, whether you are a small business or an individual.

Choosing the right product and supplier

Study your target audience to consider product categories they are interested in and weigh all their pros and cons. Discover which products sell best and which are the most profitable ones.

Learn to sell on Amazon as a beginner

Private labelling

Learn how to design your product labels and make sure you know every piece of information they should include, not forgetting the product name, your brand logo and specifications.

Doing competitive research

Research the competition and find out which sort of products your competitors are offering, at what price, how they compare to your offer on Amazon and how well they sell.

Working with product cheat sheets and comparison sheets

Product and comparison cheat sheets will help you highlight the main attributes of the product and identify its make-or-break features.

How to become a successful online seller

Branding and improving your product

Create the logo and the slogan with which you intend to sell your product. Come up with unique designs and colors that will make your brand recognizable. Optionally, add value with extra charateristics of your own.

Calculating your profit margin estimates

Learn the formula to calculate your profit margin estimate. The easiest way would be to substract total expenses from total revenue.

Creating your Amazon seller account

Create your seller account on the Amazon services web page by setting up either an individual or professional store and submitting all the required info.

Preparing inventory and listings

Generate the inventory and the product listing for your online store, bearing in mind that both are crucial factors for SEO ranking. In other words, they can draw potential customers to your page through search engines.

Viral launch of your Amazon product / store

When everything is ready, you will need to take over social media with fresh ideas and a good online marketing strategy capable of turning your product into a viral sensation.

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